Department of English

Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, aspires to be a leading center for English language and literature studies. The curriculum is structured in tune with the educational objectives by giving specific weightage to the cross-cutting issues for enriching the learning experience of students to make them professionally and personally competent individuals. In sync with an inclusive approach towards education, the department organises several events that encourage participatory and experiential learning, such as OBERIU: an Intracollegiate fest, Delphia: an annual literary festival, theater productions, International Lecture Series, various capability and skill enhancement workshops on Technical Writing and Content Writing, to name a few. The Department fosters, facilitates and inspires students with creative and critical thinking focusing on holistic development and employability.

The Department of English offers Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes with syllabus ranging from British Literature, Indian Literature, American Literature, Literary Criticism and Theory, European and Non- European Literatures, Phonetics and Linguistics, Cultural Studies, English Language Teaching to the latest trends and developments in the discipline of Literature. Thus, the department nurtures young minds to be capable individuals who will join hands in building a peaceful world.

Eligibility for Admission
A student securing 40% aggregate marks including languages in P.U.C / 10 +2 / Pre University equivalent course is eligible.

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