Department of Professional Accounting & Finance

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ” - Alvin Toffler

The Department of Professional Accounting and Finance owes its legacy to the deep passion for learning. The curriculum is designed to prepare the students to take up professional courses while pursuing their under graduation and honour programs. This department provides a conducive environment for professional course attainments and also imparts academic excellence while sharpening their intellectual skills. It aims to meet the industrial standards by enhancing competitive abilities among the students.

The department of Professional Accounting and Finance adopts a holistic approach to learning and caters to the overall development of individuals. It is built on the foundation of academic excellence and professional development. The department is supported by a unique and rare breed of academicians who set the tone and appetite for learning. The program aims at preparing the students to excel in life and become role models to the society. Innovation, Excellence and Skill development add essence to our curriculum and remains as a major contributor to the continual and growing trajectory of success.

Marching forward with the institution vision of ‘Excellence and Service’, the department constantly endeavours to contribute to the society by nurturing individuals with the knowledge, skill sets and commitment to mitigate the challenges of the society through innovation and transformation and working towards greater social inclusion. The students are exposed to activities that bring in service mindedness making them more humane.

Upholding the core values of the institution, the department aligns its activities to imbibe in its students; the core values such as – Faith, Integrity, Dignity and Excellence.