Dr. Rema. M.K
received Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Excellence Award 2023 on 14 April 2023 |
Dr. Juby Thomas awarded PRCI Chanakya Award 2021 for Excellence in Research Education in National and International Category in 2021 |
Prof. Ramya B
awarded as Respected Teacher from Bengaluru Amirta Degree College on the occassion of Teachers Day 2021 |
Dr. Aruna Devi K
awarded Best Women Faculty Award at National Faculty Award 2021-2022 |
Prof. Vijaya Kumar R
awarded for Innovative & Inspiring Academician Award -2021 GRF International Awards & Honors 2021 |
Prof. Susan Sanny received Acharya Shiromani award on 5th september 2021 at the National Level Guru Samman awards 2021 organized by MVLA Educational Trust in 2021 |
Mr. Vijaya Kumar R received Best HOD of the year - 2020 GRF Awards & Honors (2020) on the ocassion of Teacher's Day in 2020 |
CA Annie Stephen
received Most Innovative Academician of the year Award - 2020 GRF Awards & Honors (2020) on the ocassion of Teacher's Day in 2020 |
Dr. Raj Kamal
awarded for the World's prestigious Global Educational Award 2020 as Best Researcher |
Dr. Naveeth Babu C received certificate og Grant - Innovation Patent form Australian Govt. 2020 in 2020 |
Dr. Stephen published Patent on IG-Toll Collection: Intelligent GPS Based Toll Collection (Without Toll Plaza) from Govt. of India in 2020 |
Dalvin Vinoth Kumar Aron received Diploma of Completion for successfully completing course AI Computer Vision in 2020 |
Dr. Rema.M.K awared Best Counsellor award 2020 for working with women on the ocassion of vision India's 24th anniversary celebrations held at Abayashram, Hoskotte in 2020 |
Prof. Ayshwarya B completed AWS certification AWS certified cloud practitioner from Amazon web services training and certification in 2020 |
Mr. Vigraanth Bapu K.G. received World Record Title for the Most Number of Clinical Psycologist Presenting a webinar on Mental Health to Different Spectators Simultaneously in 2020 |
Ms. Sharmili Chatterjee awared Vedant Educator Excellence Award - 2020 from Vedant Foundation in 2020 |
Dr. Rema M.K. completed The Most Innovative Psychologist of the year award-2020 from Institute for Family Wellbeing in 2020 |
Dr. Aloysius Edward J received Teaching Excellence Award of ACBSP (Accreditaion Council for Business Schools and Programmes) in 2018 |
Dr. Aloysius Edward J
received 'Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Life Time Achievement National Award' for achieving outstanding excellence in the field of Teaching Reseach and Publication in 2018 |
Dr. Baba Gnanakumar
received Award for ‘Using IOT enabled teaching methods in Management Education’ at 4th Contemporary Academic Meet at Chennai organized by Venus Foundation on 7th July 2018 |
Papers Presented Faculty Paper Presentation >> view here
Details of Articles Published
by Faculty Members >> view here
Details of Books Published
by Faculty Members >>
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Academic Development
Programmes for Faculty 2016-17 >>
view here
Dr. Baba Gnanakumar
received ICBM – AMP’s Academic Excellence Award in the field of Management Research as the “Best Researcher in Management” on December 16, 2017, at ICBM-AMP, Hyderabad, 2017 |
Dr. Selvam Arjunan
Har Gobind Khorana Young scientist award - 2017 by the Tamil Nadu Scientific Research Organization in 2017 |
Dr. Sarvesh BS
Chief Minister's commendation (NCC), 2017 and received Silver Medal in the training at Kamptee |
articles published in 2017 |
papers published in 2017 |
books authored in 2017 |
FDP [Faculty development programmes] in 2017 |
Faculty members as resource persons in 2017 |
Dr. S Jemimah Naine Young Women Achiever (Science), Venus International Foundation, 2016 |
Fr. Josekutty PD Principal, Chief Ministers Award, Chief Ministers Award for Educational Services, 2015 |
Mr. Bino Joseph Best Performer Award, Karnataka (TCSION), 2013 |