M.Sc Forensic Science
Programme Overview
The M.Sc. Forensic Science programme concentrates on practices, procedures and analytical techniques used in the field of forensic science, and how they are applied to the processes of crime investigation and judicial proceedings. The programme will have an array of analytical techniques catering to the skills required for performing crime scene investigation and analysis of evidence. It encompasses the fields of Forensic Biology (which includes DNA profiling), Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology, Digital and Cyber Forensics, Questioned Document Examination, Fingerprint Analysis among other inter-related fields. The students after pursuing this post graduate programme will develop investigative skills to identify and collect evidence appropriately from the scene of crime and analytical skills to perform sophisticated analysis of the evidence collected such as biological samples, chemical samples, trace evidence, digital evidence, fingerprints and documents. These skills will help them fetch several career options in both the government and private sector. Some of the job opportunities available for students after pursuing this post graduate programme are:
- Government Forensic Science Laboratory Scientist
- Scene of Crime Officers
- Computer Forensics Investigator
- Computer Forensics Technician
- Forensic Computer Analyst
- Security Consultant
- Private Questioned Document Expert
- Private Fingerprint Expert
- Vigilance Officer in Financial Institutions
- Fraud Examiner Related Job Roles
- Clinical Toxicology Expert in Hospitals
- Chemical Analyst in Pharmaceutical Companies
- Anti-doping and Drug Dependence Rehabilitation Monitoring Centres
- Poison Control Unit Officers
- Private DNA Analysis Laboratories
Programme Objectives:
- To enhance the investigative and analytical skills of students to conduct robust crime scene investigation and evidence analysis
- To develop critical and analytical skills for conducting research in the field
- To develop skills in forensic identification, forensic problem solving either independently or as a team member
- To keep abreast with all recent developments and emerging trends in Forensic Science, ethics and law
- To inculcate a research culture by addressing issues at a global level
- To understand ethical and professional responsibility while carrying out tasks and research in the field
- To provide students with opportunities in the central government, state government and the private sector
Programme Outcomes:
After the successful completion of the programme the learner will be able to:
- Understand the application of forensic science in the process of crime investigation and the legal framework
- Apply scientific techniques for examination of evidence obtained in the scene of crime
- Evaluate the scene of crime and the evidence obtained to formulate a scientific report to support the legal process
- Create forensic reports which will be admissible as evidence in the court