Skill Enrichment Program

Life Skills Education
Date 18-21 August 2023
The recent Capacity Building Training on Life Skills Education was conducted in the department of Forensic science aimed to equip our first-year M.Sc. students not only with the tools of forensic investigation but also with essential life skills. Let's delve into the significance, objectives, and outcomes of this transformative program.

From August 18th to August 21st, 2023, students delved into an immersive curriculum designed to instill ten pivotal life skills. These skills, including Self-awareness, Empathy, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Communication, Interpersonal Relations, Coping with Emotions, and Coping with Stress, were identified as essential for a holistic and purpose-driven life. Beyond personal enrichment, these skills are integral for developing professional competencies. The primary objective of the Life Skills Education program was twofold: first, to impart a spectrum of vital life skills that would enhance personal and professional development, and second, to meet the curriculum requirements for program completion. The training sought to create a synergy between academic excellence and life mastery.

Life Skills Education
Date 10-11 August 2023
The Department of Forensic Science organized a Capacity Building Training on Life Skills Education for first-year BSc Forensic Science students from August 10th, 2023, to August 11th, 2023. The introduction to Life Skills Education was provided by Prof. Don Caeiro on August 9th, 2023, in their respective classrooms. The primary focus of this training program was to familiarize students with ten crucial life skills: Self-awareness, Empathy, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Communication, Interpersonal Relations, Coping with Emotions, and Coping with Stress. These skills were emphasized as essential for leading a holistic and purpose-driven life, as well as equipping individuals with professional competencies.

Ms. Retty Mary conducted the session on Self-Awareness, guiding students to reflect on their self-identity and illustrating how self-awareness contributes to a positive mindset. The Empathy skill was taught by Ms. Himani, who encouraged students to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, distinguishing between sympathy and empathy. Creative thinking skills were imparted by Vismaya R., highlighting the characteristics of creative individuals and emphasizing that creativity manifests in various forms. Critical Thinking skills were addressed by Aashika N., incorporating engaging activities and elucidating the steps for critical thinking. Mr. Don Caeiro led the session on problem-solving skills, elaborating on problem types and the problem-solving process, while also instilling attributes of effective problem solvers. Decision Making skills were taught by Ms. Shristi Aich, emphasizing the decision-making procedure and challenging students to set SMART goals. Effective Communication skills were shared by Ms Devi, covering various communication types and gestures, facilitating the effective expression of thoughts and ideas. Interpersonal Relationships were discussed by Ms. Anna Maria, underscoring the significance of positive relationships for mental and social well-being and providing practical tips for maintaining healthy connections. Coping with Emotions was addressed by Mr. Mayank David, helping students manage negative emotions and express them constructively. Coping with Stress was taught by Ms. Aditi, emphasizing the importance of stress management and teaching various stress-reduction approaches.

As an outcome, students comprehended all ten life skills and were able to personalize and showcase these skills in activities conducted by faculty members, thus equipping them with valuable tools for personal and professional development.