Other Activities

“Universal Ethics And Values” Title: Ethosphere
Date: 19 January 2024
The Department of Physical Sciences conducted the poster making competition for all the students in our department to develop creative skill and to know more about the universal ethics and values. The session was held in computer science lab and the participants uses the online platform to create the poster to project their skill.

Participants are encouraged to visually express their interpretation of the core ethical principles that transcend borders. The program emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting cultural differences while identifying common ethical threads that unite people.

National Mathematics Day National Level Virtual Competitions for PU/11 & 12 Students
Date: 22 December 2023
In commemoration of National Mathematics Day, the Department of Mathematics organized virtual competitions for pre-university students via Zoom meetings. The primary goal was to highlight the significance of mathematics and its practical applications in real life.

The online events included a Lecture Contest and a Poster Making Competition. In the Lecture Contest, participants explored the "Contribution of Indian Mathematicians," shedding light on the impactful work of mathematicians from India. Simultaneously, the Poster Making Competition revolved around the theme "Mathematics in Real Life," prompting participants to creatively express their perspectives on the everyday relevance of mathematics.

The competition unfolded in two rounds, with the top 15 participants progressing to Round 2 via Zoom Meeting. This virtual platform facilitated interactive presentations and discussions on the specified topics. To acknowledge the exceptional contributions of the participants, attractive cash prizes were awarded to the winners of each event. National Mathematics Day served as a platform to celebrate the talent and enthusiasm of pre-university students, emphasizing the practical applications of mathematics in our daily lives.

Ink For Impact - Poster Designing Event
Date: 18 August 2023
Ragging is a disturbing reality in the higher education system of our country. Despite the fact that over the years, ragging has claimed hundreds of innocent lives and has ruined the careers of thousands of bright students, the practice is still perceived by many as a way of ‘familiarisation’ and an ‘initiation into the real world’ for young college-going students. The Ragging is defined as any disorderly conduct, whether by words spoken or written or by an act, has the effect of teasing, treating, or handling with rudeness a fresher or a junior student. Indulging in a rowdy or undisciplined activity that causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, or psychological harm in a fresher or junior student. This can lead to adverse effects such as depression, anxiety, and sometimes even suicide.

The department of Physical Sciences has observed the “Anti Ragging Week” from 12th August to 18th August, 2023. In view of this, the department has conducted “Ink for Impact - Poster Designing Event” for all III and V semester B.Sc. Physical Science Students on 18th August, 2023. The main objective of this event was to create awareness about the impact of ragging on students and adopt the ragging free culture in the campus. In this event, eight students have registered and actively participated. They have designed the posters to showcase the impact of ragging on them.

Capacity Building Training on Life Skills Education for first-year BSc students
Date: 10 to 12 August 2023
The Department of physical sciences organized Capacity Building Training on Life Skills Education for I year BSC students from 10th August 2022 to 14th August 2022. The training program's primary goal was to teach the students how to master the 10 essential life skills of self-awareness, empathy, creative and critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, communication, interpersonal relations, and stress management. These abilities are necessary for living a balanced and meaningful life. Additionally, it gives one professional skills.

Dr. Mayank Pandey, Dr. Shivaraj, Dr. Vinoth, and Dr. Yuvaraj led the self-awareness skill workshop. They prompted the students to consider their identities and demonstrated how self-awareness can support a positive outlook.

Dr. Soya Mathew, Prof. Ann Mary, and Dr. Soya Mathew taught students the skill of empathy and urged them to engage with people from all backgrounds in order to become more empathic. Additionally, they taught children the distinction between empathy and pity.

Prof. Divya and Dr. Haripriya taught the creative thinking capability. Teachers helped kids comprehend they are all creative in different ways by outlining the qualities of a creative individual. The various stages of creative thinking were imparted to the students.

Dr. Vadhana, Dr. Vinoth, and Dr. Shivaraj took the sessions on Critical Thinking skill. They gave the students a warm-up exercise before explaining what they should do to be critical thinkers and explaining the phases in critical thinking to them.

Dr. Yuvaraj, Dr. Libin, and Dr. Haripriya conducted the session on problem-solving skills. Faculty members described the many kinds of difficulties and the actions needed to solve them. The many characteristics of a problem solver were taught to the students.

Prof. Mini, Prof. Keerthi, and Prof. Menaka B taught the decision-making talent. Teachers helped kids comprehend how decisions are made. SMART goals were required of the students.

Prof. Menaka B, Prof. Keerthi, and Dr. Britto Jacob S, instructed students in the effective communication talent. In order to help the students learn how to successfully convey our thoughts and ideas, faculty members walked them through the many forms of communication and gestures.

Dr. Britto Jacob S and Dr. Ambrose took the session on Interpersonal Relationship in which they taught the importance of having positive relationships which affect students’ mental and social well-being. They also gave tips to maintain healthy and positive relationships. They spoke about the different relationships in everybody’s lives and how to handle each one of them.

Dr. Libin and Dr. Mayank Pandey taught coping with emotions skill. They gave the pupils advice on how to deal with unpleasant feelings and stressed the value of positive emotional expression. Additionally, the students were informed of the virtues and principles that would aid in their emotional management.

The last skill coping with Stress was taught by Dr. Vadhana, Dr. Shivaraj and Dr. Vinoth. Faculty members taught the importance of coping with stress and things young people can do to control stress. They made students learn various approaches to managing stress.

“A Stepping Stone Into Coding” on Bridge Programme
Date: 01 August 2023
The Department of Physical Sciences conducted the bridge course for the first year students to develop programming skill and to know more about the basic programming concepts. The session was handled by Prof. Jeo Joy, the program begins with a series of lectures that introduce students to core programming concepts, including variables, data types, control structures (loops and conditionals), functions, and basic algorithmic thinking.

The program incorporates real-world examples and case studies, illustrating how programming is used in various fields such as science, engineering, data analysis, and web development. This contextualizes programming knowledge and underscores its significance in diverse domains. The session concluded with a number of engaging queries from the students, all of which Prof. Jeo Joy expertly addressed.