Awareness Campaign

Dengue Awareness Campaign
The Center for Social Activities organized a Dengue Awareness Campaign for its volunteers on 11th September 2023. The campaign was near Kristu Jayanti College, K. Narayanapura. It was organized to create awareness among the people, as dengue is the main cause of serious sickness and mortality in children.. Fr. Dr. Augustine George, Principal, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Fr. Jais V Thomas, Director of Jayantian Extension Services, and Financial Administrator, appreciated all the participants, Staff coordinators and volunteers.

The event started at 03:30pm and a faculty from the Center for Social Activities initiated the campaign by addressing the volunteers about the need for such action. All the 35 volunteers actively involved in this awareness campaign have been divided into three groups. One faculty member was also in charge of directing them accordingly.

Dengue fever is a serious public health issue that requires collective efforts to control its spread. A dengue awareness campaign is an effective way to create awareness about the disease and promote preventive measures to stop the disease from spreading. It is crucial to educate people about the precautions.

The awareness entails steps like avoiding mosquito bites, getting rid of mosquito breeding grounds, and early disease detection and treatment, for which all the volunteers took part and came forward to educate the people about the diseases and shared their knowledge about dengue awareness with the public.

Human Chain Formation
Jayantian Extension Services (JES) in association with Department of Commerce (UG) organized a Human Chain Formation event on 31st October 2022 from 12:50pm to 1:30pm. The activity was organized as part of the National Unity Day, and was based on the theme, “Unity in diversity is better than unity in similarities.”

Volunteers across Centre for Social Activities (CSA), National Service Scheme (NSS), Karnataka Civil Defence Corps (KCDC), National Cadet Corps (NCC), Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) and Youth Red Cross, participated in the event by forming a large human chain, holding hands and displaying posters about unity and oneness. Acknowledging the efforts of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in integrating India and finding unity in diversity was the primary motive of this social activity.

Food Waste Management Campaign
Centre for Social Activities (CSA), Jayantian Extension Services (JES) organized a Food Waste Management Campaign from 16th – 22nd October 2022, on mark of the World Food Day. The campaign was an effort to spread awareness among owners and customers of hotels and food stalls in Narayanapura, Kothanur district regarding the importance of saving food and effectively managing food waste.

SEC volunteers across all departments were encouraged to visit nearby restaurants, fast food corners and street food shops; interact with the owner and paste provided stickers on a visible surface in the restaurant. Volunteers spread awareness regarding the importance of saving food, managing food waste in an appropriate and effective manner. Ensuring that every filled plate is consumed entirely and thereby, every empty plate gets the chance of consuming food was the primary motive of this endeavour.

Digital Poster Presentation
Centre for Social Activities The Centre for social activities, Jayantian Extension services organized a Digital Poster presentation event on the 17th of October, which was conducted online in an effort to observe the birthday of India’s former president, late Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, who was regarded as “people’s president” during his time. The theme for the event was “Ideologies of A. P. J. Abdul Kalam”. The objective of the competition was to remember the contributions of Kalam in the field of education. All the CSA SEC volunteers enthusiastically took part in the competition and for the best of three, prizes were given.

Dengue Awareness Campaign
The Centre for Social Activities (CSA), Jayantian Extension Services (JES), Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, organized a Dengue Awareness Campaign on September 23, 2022. The campaign was an effort to spread awareness among the locals of K.Narayanapura, Kothanur Bengaluru district regarding the increasing cases of Dengue and effective prevention strategies to fight against Dengue.

Through interactions with locals in the state language and informative posters, volunteers spread awareness about the rising cases of dengue and dengue fever. They also provided insights on how one can reduce the excessive breeding of mosquitoes near their homes and shops. Prevention and home remedies for cure were the primary focus of the interactivity.

“Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” Walkathon
Date: 10-08-2021 TO 14-08-2021

CSA initiated Fit India Movement under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Jayanatian Extension Services Centre for Social Activities along with Centre for Physical Education and Fitness in association with Bengaluru North University and Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports had organized A Solo Walkathon “To Enhance Physical Fitness” to commemorate 75th Indian Independence Day. Walkathon was organized to motivate students to maintain and focus more on physical health and fitness.

Azadi Ki Amrith Mahotsav No Honking Drive
As part of the Azadi Ki Amrith Mahotsav, Center for Social Activities under Jayantian Extension Services had organised no honking drive on 13th of october 2021 near kristu jayanti college, coordinated by Prof. Shashi Kumar, CSA coordinator and Prof. Ajith Kumar, Dept. of commerce.

Honking creates major noise pollution to the people and disturbs the surrounding environment. Chronic exposure to honking can lead to anger issues, stress and anxiety. The volunteers held the drive to educate and ask not to honk unnecessarily. The program was held in two sessions during the huge crowded times, morning 8.45am to 9.45am and afternoon 12.00pm to 12.45pm. Volunteers were asked to hold placards, which carried the information regarding the effects of honking and stood near the college vicinity to create awareness among the public.

The response to the placards was good. The public did pay attention to the program and it was observed that the public followed rules and honked less.

Date: 21-06-2021
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
No. of Beneficiaries (In-house): 750
Name and Details of the Resource Person: Dr. Mahesh Babu B S, Dentist ( Bachelors of Dental Surgery), Mukya Shikshak, Param Pujya Ramdev Guruji’s Patanjali Yoga Samithi Chickballapur.
Objective: The session focuses on the benefits and technics of Yoga supporting the participants in all walks of life.

“Yoga is an essential element of daily life, today as the entire world is fighting the pandemic, we have no option that now we have moved towards yoga to regulate the amount of stress, anxiety, depression, we all are going through. Also, yoga does help us to stay physically as well mentally fit, more focused and also helps to gain enormous positive energy”.

Dr. Mahesh took over the session by explaining how important is yoga these days in one’s life, the benefits of yoga and he also went on demonstrating a few yoga asanas and the participants went over practicing the asanas. Participants switched on their videos and practiced yoga from their comfort zone as instructed by Dr. Mahesh.

The fruitful and informative session came to an end by the various questions raised by students. Few questions included, how yoga helps to handle emotions? What are the few simple yoga asanas to increase focus and concentration? How to make yoga a habit? Can yoga be practiced without an instructor during the initial stages? And many more questions were answered very clearly by Dr. Mahesh Babu. All the faculty heads of NCC, NSS, CSA, KCDC, UBA, student volunteers, and all other faculty members were present and actively took part in the webinar. Following are the outcomes of the webinar:
Got to know the importance of some yoga asanas.
It was good to practice yoga in a virtual mood.
Got to know a few of the diet habits along with yoga for a productive out.
The role of yoga for a healthy life.

National Seminar on Water Literacy
Date: 22/03/2021
Number of beneficiaries: 200
Name and details of the Chief Guest: Dr. A. N. Yellappa Reddy, Dr. Manvelalur and Dr. Ayyappa Masagi

Centre for Social Activities under Jayantian Extension Services organized an event on water literacy on the occasion of World Water Day. The whole proceedings began with an inauguration ceremony that began at 9: 30 am. Renowned Dr. A. N. Yellappa Reddy graced the ceremony and shared his profound knowledge in the field of Water Literacy, clarifying the doubts of many of the volunteers. He spoke about how important water is, and shed light on how many industries are misusing the privileges given to them and are damaging the water.

First session was graced by Dr. Manvelalur, who addressed various issues regarding water safety, and shed light on many problems. Second session of the day, which was graced by the water warrior, Dr. Ayyappa Masagi. He shared his views on the issue, and shed light on how certain people, for their own benefits, use water in a way no other can use it.

The Center for Social Activities, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) organized an online guest lecture on the topic “A Talk on Empowerment of Voters”, on 25th January 2021. The resource person was Prof. S J. Michael, Head, Dept. of Political Science, Coordinator, Dept. of Social Sciences & Languages, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru.

The resource person spoke about how the voting system was evaluated in India and Abroad. The speaker emphasized that voting is important because as taxpayers individuals must vote for a better society. The resource person explained about different types of rights, how to utilize them properly, and taken an Oath about participation in voting from all the 93participants who have attended the webinar. The resource person Prof. S. J. Michael also cleared the questions asked by the students and faculty members. In the end, there was a meaningful conversation between the guest and the audience, and the programme came to an end by 11:30 am.

Guest Lecture on “Yoga for self-regulation during Covid-19”
To create awareness and suggest the techniques to prevent the problems of the epidemic among first-year CSA volunteers through a guest lecture on the topic, “Yoga for Self-regulation during covid-19”. This session was held to provide students an opportunity to develop awareness and to make use of the techniques of yoga to shrink the impact of the pandemic. Resource person Prof, VigraantBapu K P, Course coordinator, Department of Psychology (PG), Kristujayanti College, conducted an orientation session on the topic “Yoga for Self-regulation during COVID-19”. Presentation has been followed by a Q & A session wherein the resource person clarified the doubts of the Participants.

“Waste Management- Just Think before you bin it, there could be some use in it”
Wastes, whatever the form are a part of everyone’s life. Proper management of waste is a burning issue for everyone, especially in urban areas. Recycling and reuse of waste are some of the methods to solve this problem. As an initiative to this, CSA organized a waste management campaign, primarily aimed to encourage the students to reuse the waste creatively and also to develop a sense of responsibility towards the protection of the Environment. CSA organized the ‘Serve the Society Challenge’ in October. The campaign lasted from 19 October to 24, 2020. Respondents are encouraged to take a photograph or a video on this zero waste challenge with a slogan and share it through Google form, which is provided. Total 140 responses received. The campaign helped in creating awareness of proper waste disposal and also to promote biological recovery of waste and recycling of materials.

Green Campaign, “Plant a Sapling: Increase the Oxygen Level.”
Trees are a vital component of the ecosystem. They not only provide oxygen and shade for us but also a habitat for avifauna. Planting more trees provides us with cleaner air and different organisms like the birds, bats, and squirrels find shelter in it enriching our habitat with diversity. It is the need of the hour that we plant at least one tree at our home or locality.

CSA organized Green Campaign, “Plant a Sapling: Increase the Oxygen Level” to contribute in our little ways to preserve the ecosystem having realized that the trees serve us free of cost and it is our responsibility to plant more trees. The campaign lasted from 12 October to 17. The respondents were required to plant a sapling in their locality and post the video or photograph of the same in the link provided. 164 responses were received. The campaign helped in augmenting the awareness of increasing the oxygen level to beat air pollution.

“Save Water Campaign - Drip Drop, Drip Drop, this kind of Clock must be stopped”
CSA organized Save Water Challenge in October. Every week socially relevant issues were focused to serve the entire cosmos. The save water challenge was chosen from 5 October 2020 to 10 October 2020. Students were encouraged to participate in this noble cause through this Challenge. They were encouraged to take a photograph or a video on the above-mentioned challenge with a slogan and share it through Google form. The best Entries were shared on the KJC Social media pages. Totally 46 students participated in the challenge.

Guest lecture on "Sewage treatment plant"
Objective: To provide practical insights into Sewage Treatment Plant in Kristu Jayanti College.
Time: 3:30 PM
Resource Person: Dr. Arun Kumar Faculty, Department of Life Sciences Kristu Jayanti College
Participants: CSA volunteers

The Centre for Social Activities (CSA) organized a demonstrative Lecture on “Sewage treatment plant” on 24th February 2020 from 3.30 PM to 4.30 PM in Room No.212, Second floor Admin Block. The Guest Speaker was Dr. Arun Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Life Sciences, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru.

The Guest Speaker started the session by explaining the basics of wastewater, sewage and their components. His demonstrative lecture focused on instrumentation, types of wastewater treatment methods, working principle of sewage treatment plant. Further the lecture emphasized on the possible ecofriendly strategies to solve prevailing water crisis in our country. The session culminated with a Q/A session, where students clarified their doubts.

The vote of appreciations was proposed by Mr. Uday, extending gratitude to the Guest Speaker and to the Principal for his constant support and encouragement. Prof. Manjunath.S, CSA Faculty Coordinator, for his valuable suggestions and cooperation. He also acknowledged the faculty, non-teaching staff, technicians and participants.

Outcome of the Event:
Overall the session was thought-stimulating and certainly informative helped the students to understand the striking features of Sewage Treatment plant in Kristu Jayanti College.

Guest lecture on “Cyber Security”:
Mr. Dalwin Vinoth Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Application, Reva University, Bangalore, came to enlighten the students about cyber security. He introduced the cyber world and its innumerable possibilities to the volunteers. He highlighted the aspect of cyber security which is the focal are of current scenario. He also construed the significance of Information security, which is designed to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. The Session was interactive where the students gained abundant knowledge about the pros and cons of cyber world. Along with theory he has showed students some practical examples which were really constructive.118 CSA volunteers benefited from this

Guest Lecture on Drug and Youth:
The sixth day of the youth week was organized with a guest lecture on Drug and Youth by Prof. Smitha A.G., Department of Psychology, Kristu Jayanti College at 3:40 pm in Mini Audi 2. Mam is graduated from MCC and Post graduated from Christ University. She is pursuing her PhD in Christ University on Adolescence and substance abuse. Her topic was so very relevant in the present scenario. She conveyed very useful message to the present youth. She was welcomed by Silpa with her beautiful words. She explained the stages of substance abuse which includes use, abuse, addiction and dependence. Mam began her lecture on smoking, it effects and measures. She enriched in detail the effects of smoking in our body. She suggested few ways to help the people to stop smoking and to overcome their withdrawal period. It was indeed an interactive section and she was successfully in solving the queries of the students. The session ended with a vote of thanks by Divya at 4:30 pm.

Dengue Awareness:
Centre for Social Activities of our college organized dengue awareness program on 29th July 2017 at K. Narayanapura, Nagenahalli, and Kothanur Government Higher Primary Schools. CSA conducted Dengue awareness camp with the aim of creating awareness about the growing significance of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever in public health, to focus on effective prevention and risk reduction strategies and to emphasize the practical application to helps to control the dengue. Final year BBA and B.Com volunteers took the initiative. They were divided into 3 groups and they successfully created awareness among the school students.12 Final CSA volunteers created the awareness in the schools in the way of showing Video, PowerPoint presentation. They mainly focused on symptoms and preventive measures towards protection from mosquito bites and increasing dengue viruses. Reponses from the school children were appreciable one. It was a very interactive session.

Awareness on RTI:
The “Awareness Programme on Right To Information” as part of Yuva Milan 2k18 organized by Center For Social Activities of Kristujayanti College was conducted on 18th January 2018.

On 18th January around 110 CSA Volunteers gathered in the Mini Auditorium 2 at 3.30 pm under the guidance of CSA student coordinators. The lecture on RTI and its relevance was given by Mr.Manjunath C.G (M.A. LL.B, LL.M, M.B.A, M.B.L, PGDIPR, KSET, (PHD)), Assistant Professor ,Kristujayanti College .He was successful in giving a bunch of relevant information regarding the Right To Information Act, 2005. With much practical experience in the subject he set out the practical regime of RTI to the students. The main objective of RTI is to promote the accountability and transparency in the working of every public authority and to empower the citizens and thereby eliminate corruption, a firmly rooted evil of today. Adequate information was provided on who can file RTI and against whom(private or public agencies), different arrangements available to the citizens to file RTI, the prescribed time limit to retrieve information, circumstances under which an appeal can be filed before the higher authority, exceptional information unavailable under RTI Act etc.

Dengue Awareness:
The awareness campaign on Dengue fever and the mosquito control measures was organized by Centre for Social Activities of Kristu Jayanti College in association with Primary Health Center K. Narayanapura on 23rd July, 2016 at Hegde Nagar. CSA volunteers gathered near Hegde Nagar at around 2.00 PM and were divided into 15 groups. Mr. Amarnath representative from PHC K. Narayanapura explained about the aedes Mosquito and showed the "Larva" which emerges from the egg of aedes mosquito. The campaign was led by staff coordinators Mr.Manjunath S, Mr Chandrashekarand, Mr. Ragavendra Babu, Dr.A J Excelce.

Around 270 CSA volunteers covered 825 households. The volunteers were successful in spreading awareness about the growing habitats of dengue around. People were informed about the preventive measures and were encouraged to adopt repellant methods to fight against such viral diseases. A survey was also done to count the no whether larva was found in the tanks. . This campaign will help to instill the values of civic sense and societal commitment among students.

Save Water Campaign:
Save water Campaign was conducted by CSA Volunteers on 15th March to educate the students know the importance of water and to highlight the ways of conserving it in our day to day lives. CSA Volunteers were prepared different posters and the pasted it many places where water is used more. This will stimulate the students utilize the water efficient manner. Posters were prepared by the volunteers were more attractive and it consist of small tips about Water management. CSA volunteers participated with full Enthusiasm.

E-Waste Drive:
The E-Waste Drive was successfully organized by the Centre for Social Activities (CSA) on the 3rd, 4th & 5th August 2015 in college premises. The objective of the drive was to sensitize the student community on the awareness of E-waste disposal and recycling. Presentations were made by volunteers in their respective classes and students were encouraged to drop the e-waste in the E BIN made available at campus. 112 e-waste items were collected from the E- BIN as a result of our three day drive; these E-wastes will now be handed over for recycling. The drive has enabled students to understand the harmful effects of E-Waste and the green ways to dispose them.

Awareness campaign on Dengue:
The awareness campaign on dengue fever and the mosquito control measures was organized by BBMP on 12th September 2015 at Banaswadi. The CSA volunteers of Kristu Jayanti College actively took part in an awareness campaign. The rally was flagged off by the Mr. KJ George, Home Minister, Government of Karnataka. Handbills carrying information on the symptoms of dengue fever, prevention measures and mosquito control was distributed through the health workers and students.

The volunteers were successful in spreading awareness about the growing habitats of dengue around. People were informed about the preventive measures and were encouraged to adopt repellant methods to fight against such viral diseases

 Student Life